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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Arlington Just says "NO" to the Density Articles at Town Meeting

Arlington Residents For Responsible Redevelopment was formed late in 2018 when the Town first began hosting meetings slanted towards increasing density.  We noticed the input of outside organizations such as CHAPA and MAPC with limited inclusion and awareness by town residents and businesses.  We began to attend and publicize the Town's steps and meetings, as the extent of the Town's efforts to change Arlington's zoning by-laws became clear.  This culminated in the April 2019 Town Meeting questions that the Arlington Redevelopment Board (ARB) and planning department put forward for Town Meeting's review.  After a full night of debate with most TM Member speakers voicing concern or their intention to vote against the density articles, the Town was forced to withdraw them at the beginning of the subsequent night.  You can watch the head of the Town's ARB changing the Town's recommended vote on their own density Articles to "No Action" here.  You can watch the debate from April 22 Town Meeting, which forced the Town to remove their Articles here.

It is thanks to all of us in town taking the time to look at what the changes would do to us, and saying that 1) zoning bylaw changes need to come from the taxpayer stakeholders and 2) changes need to be made carefully in a process that includes residents, businesses and taxpayers.

ARFRR continues to support zoning and zoning changes that make Arlington a better place and that represent the intentions of those who live and work here.  Watch our future blog posts to stay informed about redevelopment issues of concern to Arlingtonians.

Carl Wagner